
Digital Credential Manager

Digital Credential Manager (DCM) is the solution to automate the assignment of digital credentials within an organisation, relieving the dedicated internal team of the burden of having to manually assign them to lists of people on a case-by-case basis. In fact, many organisations already have systems in place in which they ‘record’ data on whether users (e.g. University SIS, HR Systems, or other) or employees have obtained certain qualifications (e.g. language or professional certifications), safety courses, softskills development courses, or whatever.

With DCM, it is possible to automate the assignment of digital badges (to be used precisely as ‘recognitions’ or ‘rewards’) by avoiding the manual transfer of lists of people, thus simplifying and speeding up the process, avoiding attribution errors but also guaranteeing greater security of personal data. All we need to do is to define which ‘outcomes’ (measurable) the internal system must record on each user, and with a simple code intervention, define the ‘calls’ to our solution according to standard APIs.


The middleware solution for interoperability between user management systems (e.g. Student Management Systems) and systems for the creation and assignment of digital credentials and blockchain digital tokens (ERC 20).


The application has a simple web interface (delivered in SAAS mode) for exclusive use by the administrator of the Issuer institution. End users do NOT have to do anything, they have no additional system to learn, other than the Open Badge platform chosen by their organisation!

  • Outcomes: Allows you to define which outcomes the third party system must confer to DCM to trigger the badge and token assignment process
  • Rules: these are the rules by which DCM manages the assignment of digital credentials or tokens. Rules can be complex combinations of outcomes in logic and/or
  • Monitor: Allows monitoring given a recipient which Outcomes and Badges it has obtained



  • Outcomes: receives outcomes from Issuer’s legacy system
  • Badge Assignment: interfaces to Digital Credential application for automatic assignment
  • Assignment Receipt: interfaces to retrieve the badge assignment from the digital credential system and communicate it to the Issuer’s legacy system



Ex Machina Italia offers its customers to use DCM in combination with a platform for issuing digital credentials. If the company does not have one, the offering includes licences for one of the platforms for which we are authorised distributors. Thus, with the purchase of DCM, the company will have all the tools to define its digital credentials and simplify their assignment by integrating them with the information already in its systems.


In addition to the assignment of open badges, it will also be possible to assign users points (or rather tokens), which the organisation can define to give greater ‘weight’ and value to its digital credentials. In addition to the management of digital credentials, DCM will also manage digital tokens (according to Ethereum ERC20 blockchain standard). In this way, the so-called “backpack” of digital certificates will be flanked by a ‘digital wallet’ of coins, which can take on an exchange value (also in coin) within a community.

Contact us now to request a quote .

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