Voxxed Days is a series of local events focused on Java, web, mobile and JVM languages. Run by groups of senior developers and user group leaders, Voxxed Days bring together internationally renowned and local speakers. With eight tracks on different topics, quickies and an evening Hackergarten, attendees can satisfy their curiosity and learn new skills while enjoying and having fun. Ex Machina is proud to sponsor the 2016 event in Ticino, and our team will be fully present.
- Java Architecture, Performance & Security
- Web, Mobile & UX Cloud, DevOps and Tools
- Alternative Languages
- Big Data & Analytics
- Agility, Methodology & Test
- Future <?>
Date: April 30th, 2016
Location: Palazzo dei Congressi, Lugano, Switzerland
More info: https://voxxeddays.com/ticino/