dialoghi sull'AI

Dialogues on Artificial Intelligence

Ex Machina Italia took part in the event promoted by Aifr, entitled ‘Dialogues on Artificial Intelligence between Technology, Ethics and the Third Sector’, which took place on 22 May 2024 at the Royal Carlton Hotel in Bologna, in the presence of around one hundred associations.

The conference aimed to explore the role of AI in the Third Sector, focusing on key issues such as the accessibility, ethics and data protection of AI-based solutions. Through reflections and expert testimony, the positive impacts that AI can have on activities such as communication, data analysis, fundraising and volunteer management were examined.

Ex Machina Italia’s contribution focused on the use of conversational agents, primarily as a communication tool, but also suggesting possible implementations within organisations, such as supporting operators in certain conditions. It was emphasised that AI technology, far from being the prerogative of technicians alone, especially thanks to platforms with user-friendly (no-code) interfaces such as those proposed by Ex Machina Italia, is already within the reach of all organisations for their purposes.

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