
Mobility Data Manager

Mobility Data Manager is a cloud-based application for the management and monitoring of rail vehicles, which have operating log production systems. In particular, the system is able to produce reports for monitoring passenger journeys and the level of service operation, deriving this data from the validation of tickets according to the different types and fare scales. The train system to which it is applied must also have a mechanism for logging the journeys made. As far as the management of these runs is concerned, the application also allows a technical operator to manage the performance of the operation punctually (day by day), automatically recording anomalies in the frequency of the runs, and then intervening (with appropriate classification of the causes) or entering manual corrections to the operation. Finally, the application also provides special analysis and monitoring reports on this area.

The implementation described was realized for the Marconi Express People Mover train.


The system includes the following components:

  • Ride acquisition and validation system, with customized processing to derive normalized data. This component is the basic software layer that has no user interface, but is necessary to derive data from the public mobility system to which it is applied.
  • Trains application: This application, made available on a web and mobile interface, allows an operator to enter and manage variations in the operation of the service to report anomalies and their classification as required by the concessionaire, modify the operation schedule, enter rides in manual mode.
  • Reporting: this is a data analytics application capable of producing reports broken down by the main dimensions of analysis (passenger journeys, ticketing, train performance).


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