L’Università Lumsa e Jobiri

Jobiri embrace open badge technology for Universities

Ex Machina Italia in collaboration with Jobiri contributed to the introduction of the Open Badge standard at the LUMSA University of Rome.

Jobiri is an Italian digital career services platform dedicated to support career guidance and placement for students, recent graduates and the unemployed. Using artificial intelligence, Jobiri offers tools and resources to facilitate the job search, such as the automatic creation of CVs, personalised advice, mock interviews and access to job offers. It is used both by individual users and by educational institutions, universities and job centres to improve employability and accelerate the job placement process.

The Jobiri platform is integrated into LUMSA’s systems, and Ex Machina Italia has helped extend it to the issuance of Open Badges, through DCM (Digital Credential Manager), which automates the assignment of Open Badges following the completion of extracurricular activities and certain degrees that the university awards.

Further details: https://www.jobiri.com/luniversita-lumsa-e-jobiri-valorizzano-le-competenze-degli-studenti-con-gli-open-badge/

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